Wednesday 10 December 2008

The gods and goddess of Greece

The gods and godness of Greece are:
God Zeus: Is the king of the gods
Goddess Hera: Is the queen of the gods.
God Hefesto : Is the god of the fire and of the metallurgy.
Goddess Artemis: Is the goddess of the childbirth, the nature and the crops.
God Apolo:Is the god of the prophecy.
Goddess Atenea.
Goddess Afrodita :Is the goddess of the love and the beauty.
God Hades: Is the god of the dead men.
God Poseidon: Is the god of the sea.
God Ares:Is the god of the war.
God Hermes.
God Dioniso:Is the god of the wine and of the pleasure.
God Eolo: Is the god of wind.

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